
<program>	::=	<block>+ <new-line> 
<new-line>  ::= "\n"
<block>		::=	<cell>+ 
<cell>		::=	"[" <content> "]"
<content>	::=	<function> "=" <target>
<function>	::=	<text> | <text>:<address>
<address>	::=	<text>
<target>	::=	<value> | <text>
<value>		::=	<text> | <decimal> | <integer>
<decimal>	::=	<integer> "." <integer>
<integer>	::=	<digit>+
<digit>		::=	"0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
<text>		::=	<characters>+
<character>	::=	'A' ... 'Z' | '_'
  • <program>: A program consists of one or more blocks.
  • <block>: A block is a collection of one or more cells.
  • <cell>: A cell is the basic unit of a program. Each cell consists of content enclosed in square brackets […].
  • <content>: The content of a cell is made up of a function and a target, separated by an equals sign =.
  • <function>: The function specifies which action is performed in the cell. A function can either be text or text followed by a colon : and an address.
  • <address>: The address is optional and is only used if the function requires it. It consists of text.
  • <target>: The target specifies which element or data the function is applied to. The target can either be a value (value) or text.
  • <value>: A value can be text, a decimal, or an integer.
  • <decimal>: A decimal consists of an integer part and a decimal part, separated by a point .
  • <integer>: An integer is a positive or negative whole number without decimal places.
  • <text>: Text is a sequence of characters that can consist of letters (uppercase or lowercase).
  • <characters>: The character string represents a sequence of one or more characters.
  • <character>: A single character can be an uppercase letter or an ‘_’.